// this code was adapted from Drew Dibble original code to run on arduino due //you´ll need a library called "soft_uart.h" ,elapsedmillis.h ,liquidcrystal.h ,and bignumbers.h installed ,search the web for it. // this code uses the arduino due to talk to the main board Hoverboard using a 3.2v hall thumb throtlle //instead of the gyro board. // odometer version is from Angel Garcia de la Cruz and bignumber lcd from Sean Auffinger // version 1.0 by Alvaro Fogassa on 23/05/2022 // !!! CAUTION !!! , do not attempt to load the sketch to arduino with the hoverboard turned on or it might damage your pc. // the usb is not isolated and will burn your pc. make a guess how i´ve found that out. ///// 9bit serial /////////////////////////////////////// #include "soft_uart.h" using namespace soft_uart; using namespace soft_uart::arduino_due; #define RX_PIN 10 // software serial port's reception pin azul #define TX_PIN 11 // software serial port's transmision pin verde #define SOFT_UART_BIT_RATE 26315 #define RX_BUF_LENGTH 256 // software serial port's reception buffer length #define TX_BUF_LENGTH 256 // software serial port's transmision buffer length uint32_t counter1=256; uint32_t counter2=1; uint32_t counter3=85; uint32_t counter4=0xFF; int sensorValue = 0; // value read from the pot int outputValue = 0; // value output to the PWM (analog out) const int analogInPin = A0; // Analog input pin that the potentiometer is attached to // declaration of software serial port object serial_tc4 // which uses timer/counter channel TC4 serial_tc4_declaration(RX_BUF_LENGTH,TX_BUF_LENGTH); //serial_tc1_declaration(RX_BUF_LENGTH,TX_BUF_LENGTH); auto& serial_obj=serial_tc4; // // serial_tc4_t& serial_obj=serial_tc4; //////////////// lcd update every 100ms ////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <elapsedMillis.h> elapsedMillis timeElapsed; //declare global if you don't want it reset every time loop runs unsigned int interval = 100; ///////////////// lcd bignumbers ////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <LiquidCrystal.h> #include <BigNumbers.h> const int lcdD7Pin = 52; // LCD D7 pin 14 const int lcdD6Pin = 50; // LCD D6 pin 13 const int lcdD5Pin = 48; // LCD D5 pin 12 const int lcdD4Pin = 46; // LCD D4 pin 11 const int lcdEPin = 44; // LCD E Pin 6 const int lcdRSPin = 42; // LCD RS pin 4 LiquidCrystal lcd(lcdRSPin, lcdEPin, lcdD4Pin, lcdD5Pin, lcdD6Pin, lcdD7Pin); // construct LCD object BigNumbers bigNum(&lcd); //construct BigNumbers object, passing to it the name of our LCD object // Circumference of bicycle wheel in meters. float bicycleWheelCircumference = 2.104867; const int revolutionButton = 2; boolean lastRevolutionButton = LOW; boolean currentRevolutionButton = LOW; unsigned long lastRevolutionStartTime = 0; unsigned long revolutionTime = 0; // This must be the biggest display mode number const int currentDisplayMode = 3; float currentDistanceK; int currentMaximumKPH; int currentAverageKPH; int currentKPH; float currentDistanceM; int currentMaximumMPH; int currentAverageMPH; int currentMPH; unsigned long revolutionCount = 0; unsigned long currentTime = 0; unsigned long currentMovingTime = 0; unsigned long lastStoppedTime = 0; unsigned long stoppedTime = 0; boolean tooSlow = LOW; float stoped=0.00; // added to display zero when stoped float km = 0.00; float kph = 0.00; int intHours; int intMinutes; int intSeconds; long previousMillis = 0; // will store last time Lcd was updated unsigned long milliSecondsInSecond = 1000; unsigned long milliSecondsInMinute = 60000; unsigned long milliSecondsInHour = 3600000; void setup() { // serial_obj initialization serial_obj.begin( RX_PIN, TX_PIN, SOFT_UART_BIT_RATE, soft_uart::data_bit_codes::NINE_BITS, soft_uart::parity_codes::NO_PARITY, soft_uart::stop_bit_codes::ONE_STOP_BIT ); pinMode(revolutionButton, INPUT_PULLUP); // Sets the hall switch to be an input lcd.begin(16,2); // setup LCD rows and columns bigNum.begin(); // set up BigNumbers lcd.clear(); // clear display } int sp=0; void loop() { //////////////////motor controll ///////////////////////////////////////// //we measure 50 times adn make the mean average the acelerator hall sensor value long measure = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++){ int value = measure += analogRead(analogInPin); } measure /= 50; // read the analog in mean value and map it to outputvalue: outputValue = map(measure, 477, 630, -1500, 0); // maps the throttle to the output values,need to be calibrated. sp=outputValue; // makes the motor to turn only forward. if (sp>=1) { sp=0; } serial_obj.write(counter1)%(1<<static_cast<int>(soft_uart::data_bit_codes::NINE_BITS)); serial_obj.write(sp&counter4)%(1<<static_cast<int>(soft_uart::data_bit_codes::NINE_BITS)); serial_obj.write((sp >> 8) & counter4)%(1<<static_cast<int>(soft_uart::data_bit_codes::NINE_BITS)); serial_obj.write( sp & counter4)%(1<<static_cast<int>(soft_uart::data_bit_codes::NINE_BITS)); serial_obj.write((sp >> 8) & counter4)%(1<<static_cast<int>(soft_uart::data_bit_codes::NINE_BITS)); serial_obj.write(counter3)%(1<<static_cast<int>(soft_uart::data_bit_codes::NINE_BITS)); delayMicroseconds(200); //////////////// odometro ////////////////////////////////////////// // Get current millis currentTime = millis(); if (tooSlow == HIGH) { if ((currentTime - lastStoppedTime) >= 1000) { stoppedTime = stoppedTime + 1000; lastStoppedTime = currentTime; } } // read Hall sensor currentRevolutionButton = debounce(lastRevolutionButton, revolutionButton); //currentRevolutionButton = (lastRevolutionButton, revolutionButton); if (lastRevolutionButton == HIGH && currentRevolutionButton == LOW) { // Increase wheel revolution count revolutionCount++; // Compute millis it took for this latest revolution if (lastRevolutionStartTime > 0) { revolutionTime = currentTime - lastRevolutionStartTime; kph = (3600000 / revolutionTime) * bicycleWheelCircumference / 1000;// currentKPH = kph; // currentMPH = currentKPH * 0.62137119; if (currentMaximumKPH < currentKPH) // If current speed is new maximum speed for this lap then store it { currentMaximumKPH = currentKPH; //currentMaximumMPH = currentMaximumKPH * 0.62137119; } } lastRevolutionStartTime = currentTime; } lastRevolutionButton = currentRevolutionButton; // Determine if wheel revolution has taken too long. If so, cyclist has stopped display "--" instead of current speed. if ((currentTime - lastRevolutionStartTime) >= 5000) { tooSlow = HIGH; } if ((currentTime - lastRevolutionStartTime) < 5000) { tooSlow = LOW;} if (revolutionCount > 0) { // Calculate current distance currentDistanceK = revolutionCount * (bicycleWheelCircumference / 1000); // currentDistanceM = currentDistanceK * 0.62137119; currentMovingTime = currentTime - stoppedTime; // Calculate average speed currentAverageKPH = currentDistanceK * 3600000 / currentMovingTime;//em millis // currentAverageMPH = currentAverageKPH * 0.62137119; } // Display information on LCD if (timeElapsed > interval) { lcd.setCursor(8,0); lcd.print(currentDistanceK); lcd.print(" km"); if (tooSlow == LOW) { bigNum.displayLargeInt(currentKPH , 0, 2, false); } else if (tooSlow == HIGH){ bigNum.displayLargeInt(stoped, 0, 2, false); } // Display Average KPH in bottom right lcd.setCursor(8, 1); lcd.print("avg"); lcd.setCursor(12, 1); if (currentAverageKPH < 10) { lcd.print(" "); } lcd.print(currentAverageKPH); timeElapsed = 0; // reset the counter to 0 so the counting starts over. } } /////////////// loop end //////////////////////////// //A debouncing function that can be used for any button boolean debounce(boolean last, int pin) { boolean current = digitalRead(pin); if (last != current) { delay(1); current = digitalRead(pin); } return current; }
Friday, August 12, 2022
The code
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The code
// this code was adapted from Drew Dibble original code to run on arduino due //you´ll need a library called "soft_uart.h" ,elap...
i´ve recently ordered 6 Litokala 18650 x 3000mha from the aliexpress store (litokala official store) but I was disapointed, one of 6 batte...
04/16/2022 I´ve being thinking to build a electric bike for a long time but acquiring all the parts to make a full size motorcycle prove...
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